Sunday, February 10, 2008

Snap Judgment Reviews 2: Electric Boogaloo

Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast
Here is a driving game for me. Lots of nifty visuals, fun little “sub games” when driving with the girlfriend. No trying to learn how to drive a real car, or get licenses (I hated Gran Futurism). On my list to buy.

Call of Duty 3
Another fun military shooter. I'm not a huge fan of real life settings in games, so I plan to just have the Cod and Mo series for my real life type shooters. This one was a blast.

Medal of Honor: Front line
See above. And I got it for 3 bucks, so it almost doesn't matter. If I get an hour or two fun out of it, it's paid for itself.

I love this game so far. I like the set up, with the main character rediscovering his beliefs seeming to be a major story arc. The weapons are cool looking; the alien organic weapons are just nifty. And the jukebox in the starting area played some really good tuneage (Heart, Foreigner, BOC).

Yeah - a bunch of shooters this time.

Now back to games – jumping on robots to set little animals free and collecting rings.

Games played since last post

Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis)

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